# draw the Rastriging's function by the Gnuplot. reset set isosamples 80 set hidden3d set contour base set pm3d set style line 100 lc rgb "gray20" lw 0.5 set pm3d hidden3d 100 # 見えない部分を非表示 set title "Rastrigin's function" set xyplane at 0 # x-y平面をz=0の位置に固定 # set xyplane at -10 # x-y平面をz=0の位置に固定 set view 58,228 set xrange [-5.12:5.12] set yrange [-5.12:5.12] set zrange [0:80] unset key unset colorbox # カラーバーを非表示 set palette rgbformulae 22,13,-31 # 虹色に splot (x**2 - 10*cos(2*pi*x) + 10) + (y**2 - 10*cos(2*pi*y) + 10) w l lw 0.5